Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

When you get tired of a particular song "playing in your head", the best soultion is to pick another one you like better and deliberately "play" that one in your head until it replaces the first one. It will supplant the one you are tired of so at least it won't bore you to death or drive you crazy!

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Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

I'm always doing that to my wife. I play it and its gets stuck.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Numbers are fascinating I see many.

And take notes

Angel numbers look up meanings

Done are birthdays some addresses some speak to me !!

Yes songs stick in my head.

As a kid I would get jingles ads from tv

Used to drive me a bit crazy.

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Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

Makes me think of a cartoon years ago. There’s a guy with his head in a

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Right place, wrong time! (story of my life)

Nobody "fakes the funk" quite as hard as Dr. John.

That lovely 70's stench is even more unforgettable.


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Well, in German, we have a word for that... :D


I can get one by someone just mentioning something that triggers a loose association with a piece of music I have heard before, and then it's there... But often, my mind just plays music that seems to be a wild amalgam of existing music (styles), some ad-hoc synthesis of fragments.

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Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan

When a song gets stuck in your head it's called and 'earworm', happens frequently.

I try and relax and let it 'play' and eventually it fades and then a new one comes along!

It IS annoying!

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deletedJan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Amy Sukwan
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